My publications
Kate Lindley, PhD (2019) Why did I want to be a mother?
Available from and / /
Lindley, K. (2013) The Social Construction of a Mother’s Identity Amidst the Confluence of Motherhood Discourses
My doctoral dissertation is available as a free download from the Taos Institute website here.
It is also available in hard-book format from Lambert Academic Publishing here.
Lindley, K. (2011) QuEstCeQueJeNeDoisPasEntendre? Témoignages de mères d’enfants diagnostiqués avec un Trouble de Déficience d’Attention et Hyperactivité
Five women recount the messages they heard from professionals and non-professionals about their way of mothering and their children in interviews. There are messages that were helpful and those that were not helpful. It helps us to understand the dominant cultural discourses about motherhood in the Swiss-French cantons. First published in 2011, it was part of my doctoral work.
This book is only available in French. If you would like a copy, please write to me at drkatelindley(at)
Price: CHF 15.- including P&P within Switzerland.
If you are interested in hearing more about my book, please write to me at drkatelindley(at)