Narrative Therapy
Narrative Therapy is an approach to difficulties and problems in life, which can leave the person confused or unhappy. Our confusion or unhappiness is often linked to a sense of “not measuring up” or not being “good enough.” It may be that we feel that we are a failure or an imposter and that we will soon be caught out. It may be that we are constantly being criticized or blamed for being different or not fitting in with others. These feelings can lead to a sense of shame and isolate us from others. They stop us from enjoying what we have and what we do.
Narrative Therapy reflects on the social expectations that are put upon us and how often we feel that we are defined by others. This work helps you to define what is important to you and how you prefer to be in your relationships with others. It also focuses on your resources and strategies which are working and affirming your progress.
I obtained my Diploma in Narrative Therapy in 2016 from the Institute of Narrative Therapy in the United Kingdom with Amanda Redstone, Mark Hayward, Sarah Walther and Hugo Fox. I have also followed advanced training with Peggy Sax, David Epston, Kay Ingamells, Gene Combs and Jill Freedman.
Sessions are held in French or in English at my consulting office in Aigle. I am also available by Zoom for sessions.
Sessions are 1 hour long. Please pay for your session each time. You can pay by TWINT.
CHF 120.- for 1 session of 1 hour.
CHF 600.- for 5 sessions of 1 hour (payable at the first session)
Voice Dialogue – Personal Development Work
Voice Dialogue is also called the psychology of sub-personalities. Based on the work of Hal and Sidra Stone, Voice Dialogue claims that we are made up of many different sub-personalities, all of whom have their own set of values, attitudes and behaviours, which have been developed from birth onwards. The approach involves increasing your awareness of the different sub-personalities, or voices, that fill your inner dialogue. In their initial work, Hal and Sidra Stone proposed five sub-personalities common to Western society: the pleaser, the pusher, the inner critic, the perfectionist, and the protector-controller, which seem to run our lives whether we want them to or not. As work progresses, the person increases their awareness of the demands of each voice, negotiates consideration and takes more conscious control of their lives.
I completed my training with Joy Manné from 2006 to 2009.
Sessions are held in French or in English at my consulting office in Aigle.
Sessions are 1 hour and 15 minutes long. Please pay for your session each time.
CHF 150.- for 1 session of 1 hour and 15 minutes
CHF 600.- for 5 sessions of 1 hour and 15 minutes (payable at the first session)