About me

Photo taken by Edwood Photography


I offer a solution-oriented approach to people who want to improve their situation or their relationships, overcome obstacles and difficulties in their professional and private lives. I have over 3500 hours of coaching experience.

Narrative Therapist

I offer an alternative approach to psychotherapy. People often consult me because they have been positioned in stories that do not correspond to their values or feel that they do not “measure up” to societys standards.

Trainer and group facilitator

I design and facilitate training courses and workshops for all kinds of groups on a range of subjects. I am fully proficient in Appreciative Inquiry, Future Search Conference, World Café and Restorative Circles (NVC).

Public speaker

I love to talk about motherhood of children considered different, mother guilt, mother-blame, cultural discourses about motherhood, the experience of mothers whose children are considered different.

Blogger and author 

I write blog posts regularly on the theme of maternal experience and motherhood to support and encourage mothers. I have published three books on maternal experience in English and French.


I am currently working on a book in French on mothers with children diagnosed with ADHD.

Volunteer work 

  • Board member of the Réseau Transition Suisse Romande Hub, Transition Network
  • Volunteer for the non-profit ARC-Echange, Bex

Academic and other vital qualifications:

  • Diploma in Narrative Therapy (2016) from the Institute of Narrative Therapy (UK)
  • PhD in Social Sciences(2013) from Tilburg University  (NL) and the Taos Institute
    My dissertation is situated within social constructionism on the theme of social construction of identit and is entitled The social construction of a mother’s identity amidst the confluence of motherhood discourses. It is available as a free download from the Taos website: https://www.taosinstitute.net/kate-lindley-scheidegger-dissertation or in hard-book format from Lambert Academic Publishing: https://www.morebooks.shop/store/gb/book/the-social-construction-of-a-mother-s-identity/isbn/978-3-659-67942-1
  • Bachelor (2002) and Master of Science (2006) in Psychology from Open University (UK)
  • Federal diploma in Adult Training in Organisations (2004), Switzerland
  • Certification in Coaching (2003) from the Briefer Training Institute, Geneva (CH)
  • Bachelor diploma (equivalent) in Hotel Management (1979) from Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (CH)

Personal information

I live in the mountains in the canton of Vaud,  Switzerland. I have Swiss and British nationalities. I have two children who are now young adults.

Contact me at drkatelindley(at)gmail.com.